For many people, as they get older, one of their main worries is staying healthy, and that means thinking about all of the options to achieve a healthier lifestyle, one being a change to the daily diet. The thing is, there is a big difference between opting for a healthy diet, and going on an extreme diet. There are so many terrible bits of advice out there that engage people in by the “amazing” results, promising that you can achieve the same by going on a juice diet, or fasting for half of the day, or cutting your calories down to a mere few hundred. The ugly truth about this is that it will make you lose weight, but as soon as you come off it – which you will have to – you will immediately put weight back on again. This is because essentially you’re starving your body and it goes into survival mode, so as soon as you begin eating regularly again, it will store your food as fat because it doesn’t know when its next meal will be. This is extremely damaging and dangerous, so if you want to get healthy, you have to make changes that are sustainable and do not put you
When people think of healthy eating, they invariably think of the bland bowl of salad. But salads don’t have to be bland and boring. Salads can be an opportunity to be creative and add new things to excite your taste buds with each bite.
Here are a couple of ideas to get you on the right track.

Sweeten the Deal
You can do what you want with your food, so there’s no reason you can’t think outside the box and bring in fruit to add some sweetness to your salad. It can be as simple as adding some cubes or slices of apple, which can add a tart or sweet crunch to your salad, depending on which variety you choose. Try sliced strawberries, segments of mandarin oranges or grapefruit, or dried fruit such as craisins. It can be as simple as chopping up some cubes of apple. A light drizzle of Mom’s Sweet and Sour Dressing will add another layer of sweet and sour to your salad and bring out the flavors of the fruit.
Healthy Fats
Fats are what add that rich flavor and smooth texture to foods that we love. But just because you’re eating a salad doesn’t mean you have to deprive yourself of this. Fats are an essential part of our diet; it’s just a matter of selecting the ones that are healthiest for us. Avocados are a great way to add a silky texture to your salad and great flavor. You can also incorporate healthy fats by making your own salad dressings using healthy oils like olive oil or canola oil. Mix these with an acid such as lemon juice, red wine vinegar, or balsamic vinegar, and experiment with adding some seasonings and you’ve got a great vinaigrette. Nuts and seeds like walnuts, slivered almonds, or sunflower seeds are another tasty way to add texture and healthy fats to your salad. Toasting and cooling these before adding them to the salad is a great way to enhance the rich and nutty flavor of the nuts and seeds.
Power Up with Protein
Just because you’re having a salad doesn’t mean that you have to forgo the protein. Adding a reasonable amount of meat can really bring your salad to the next level and take it from a side to an entree. Because you’re incorporating it as part of the salad, you won’t need to use as much as you would if you were eating the chicken breast or steak alone. It shouldn’t dominate the salad, but rather add another layer of flavor. Something as simple as a hard-boiled egg can also add a good deal of protein. If you’re going for a full vegetarian meal, it doesn’t mean that you have to pass on the protein. Beans are a great source of protein that go perfectly with salads. There are so many beans to choose from, including black, pinto, kidney, and garbanzo, just to name a few.
Get Exotic
When you’re on vacation overseas, the salads that you order give a whole new meaning to healthy eating, because they’re so extravagant and diverse. You’ll want to order the same thing every day. This is because they use as many ingredients as they have at hand. It’s not just a mere bit of lettuce and tomato, it’s
Mix It Up
Don’t get stuck in a rut. Having the same thing day in and day out will become boring after a while. Keep your taste buds guessing, by trying new and exciting salads each time. It’s ok to find salad combinations that you like, but try to keep a rotation going so you don’t get tired of any of them. Experiment with different combinations and flavors.
Now that you have a couple of ideas in mind, go to the grocery store and see what jumps out at you. Or even better, go to a local market and pick out some great fresh ingredients. Not only will these taste divine, but you’ll also be investing your money in local farms and getting the greatest nutrition content from your food.
This is a contributor post, which has been reviewed and edited personally by me before being published. Links to external reviews are meant to provide additional ideas to readers and do not reflect my personal opinion or review of products.
Featured photo credit: Kaboompics