Halloween is fast approaching, and you might be looking for some ideas on what to do for your party this year. A Halloween party should be fun yet still slightly spooky, and there are many ways that you can achieve this. You want to throw a party that all of your friends are going to…
Author: The King
Quick Guide to Saving Time in the Kitchen
Having meals that you have cooked all by yourself from home is so much better for you than anything that is premade at a store. It can be much cheaper to cook for yourself, as well as much healthier, as you know exactly what is in the food and it won’t have anything preservatives or…
Mom’s Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Bars
My medical school has a tradition, where a first-year student (the “little”) is paired with a second-year student (the “big”). Last year, I had my little and grand-little over for dinner. I made The King’s Butter Chicken, The King’s Garlic Naan, and a coconut cream pie (stay tuned for this recipe). We had such a…
The King’s Chicken Pesto Sandwich
Hello, from Hershey, Pennsylvania! Land of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Kisses, and the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. I am currently in my first week as a visiting student at the Penn State-affiliated hospital. However, this is not my first time visiting “The Sweetest Place On Earth.” As a child, whenever we flew “back East” (as…
David’s Chicken Paprikash with The Rheinlander’s Spätzle
This is kind of a 2-for-1 recipe post. Chicken paprikash is another dish that David introduced to me early in our relationship. It has quickly become one of my go-to recipes for its ease and amazing flavor. As you might imagine, paprika is the main ingredient in this dish. Paprika originated in Central Mexico and…
The King’s Chilaquiles
My third year of medical school has flown by! We finished all of our rotations in the core clerkships: Internal Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, and Pediatrics. While our third year far surpassed first and second year, it did not leave a lot of time for blogging. I am just now entering my…
Nani’s Oatmeal Cake
When I was home for Christmas, I was able to visit Nani a handful of times. The visits get harder and harder, as her memory goes little by little. For those who haven’t experienced the slow loss of a loved one to Alzheimer’s disease, I’ve found it helps to reflect on the parts of them that…
Gnocchi with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce
So medical school got a little busy and while I was still cooking a lot and taking pictures of said cooking, I didn’t have time to write posts to share with you all. But, I’m back and ready to provide you with some more delicious recipes. I’m sure you’ve noticed that The King’s Kitchen Blog…
The King’s Chili Chicken Tacos
Tuesdays can be pretty crummy. It’s still the beginning of the week and you have a ways to go until Friday. However, Tuesday is redeemed when it is Taco Tuesday! I first started celebrating Taco Tuesdays when I was living in San Diego. I always looked forward to going to a different taco stand or…
Chocolate-Dipped Coconut Macaroons
So, last week I introduced you to the deliciousness that is Coffee Ice Cream. However, you may have noticed that the recipe called for six egg yolks, and one thing I hate doing is throwing good ingredients away. I think it is such a waste! So, I turned to the internet for some ideas and…
Coffee Ice Cream
Coffee and med school. Sometimes it feels like these two things go hand-in-hand. When I first started in August, I was drinking a lot of coffee in the morning and sometimes throughout the day. I’m pretty sensitive to the stuff and so if I drink too much I get really wired and am bouncing off…
Ice Cream Makers
I haven’t posted about a great kitchen gadget in a long time! Seeing as it has been quite warm in Florida, I felt that ice cream was in order. So naturally, I decided that a post about ice cream makers was in order. There are two different types of ice cream makers that I use…